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Virtual Reality Resources and References

The applications of virtual reality technology in medical groups teaching

The findings of the study indicated that 11 cases (48%) have used virtual education technology for laparoscopic surgery training. Using virtual reality has improved learning in 17 (74%) studies.
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Virtual Reality Training Improves Operating Room Performance

The use of VR surgical simulation to reach specific target criteria significantly improved the OR performance of residents during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
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Does Virtual Reality Improve Procedural Completion and Accuracy in an Intramedullary Tibial Nail Procedure? A Randomized Control Trial

Virtual reality increased both procedural accuracy and the completion proportion compared with a technique guide in medical students. Based on our findings, virtual reality may help residents learn the procedural workflow and movements required to perform surgical procedures.
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Virtual memory palaces: immersion aids recall

Virtual reality displays, such as head-mounted displays (HMD), afford us a superior spatial awareness by leveraging our vestibular and proprioceptive senses, as compared to traditional desktop displays.
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Presence and Memory: Immersive Virtual Reality Effects on Cued Recall

Presence, the psychological experience of “being there,” is an important construct to consider when investigating the impact of mediated experiences on cognition.
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People recall information better through virtual reality

The researchers found that people remember information better if it is presented to them in a virtual environment.
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